The Secret Society of the Key is a society in-game that will ask you do various tasks to keep them happy. Their goal is to increase quality and happiness of house buildings. These tasks can also help boost happiness or production in your city. If there is a Pub nearby, it will gain the Key logo. If there is more than one, one will be chosen.
- Fill all 8 slots
- Produce 1000 Wood a day
- Build 50 Botanical Gardens
- Build 12 Sculpture Gardens (Sculpture Park is permanently unlocked for this task)
- Build 7 Teleporters
- Build 5 Villas (Villa is permanently unlocked for this task)
- Produce 1000 knowledge a day
- Build The Machine (The Machine is permanently unlocked for this task)
The Machine[]
The Machine is the end goal of the Society of the Key, which grants members of the society immortality. It also produces random amounts of materials every 24 hours.