The Final Earth 2 Wiki

These provide places for your citizens to live. Without these your citizens will become very unhappy. Below is a list of houses and their properties:

NormalHouse House Your citizens will certainly appreciate a roof above their heads. 4 50/55 Yes
AlienHouse Alien House Five people can live in this strange home full of otherworldly technology. 5 55/100 Yes
ModernRusticHome Modern Rustic Home This rustic-looking house makes people think of Earth. The housing quality is increased by 15 if there are at least three other modern rustic homes or parks next to it. 2 70/100 Yes
MechanicalHouse Mechanical House The mechanics and heating of this house need a Machine Parts Factory to function. The housing quality is increased by 50 if there is one next to it. 4 / 5 30 / 100 Yes
SpaciousHouse Spacious House A modern house with lots of space. 6 / 7 60/100 Yes
CuttingEdgeHome Cutting-Edge House A hypermodern home filled with technology. 4 / 5 75/100 Yes
ParkPod Park Pod A home in the middle of a park. 1 100 Yes
TinkerersHome Tinkerers' House This house is designed for makers and inventors. Residents earn extra education. 4 / 5 80 / 100 Yes
FarmHouse Community House This house gives a strong sense of community. Produces a small amount of food, wood or stone for each resident. Most upgrades don't apply to this production. 5 85 / 100 Yes
BlossomHut Blossum Hut Residents of this hut will really flourish! 2 100 Yes
Villa Villa A luxurious, modern villa complete with a private teleporter. 5 100 Yes
FlowerPenthouse Flower Penthouse A lavish rooftop house. It makes residents live longer. It also comes with a private teleporter. 4 100 Yes
LandedExplorationShip Landed Exploration Ship Living in this exploration ship may not be very comfortable, but it's certainly very adventurous! Can only be placed on the ground or on a rooftop. 3 50 Yes
ShadyHome Shady Home Cancelled for now; may come back later. 8 55 No
woodenhome wooden home It´s not exactly luxurious but still quite comfortable 4 75/100 yes

by Theb102
