The Final Earth 2 Wiki
The Final Earth 2 Wiki

Note: This is a guide page.

In here, this page will teach how the game will be played.

The Basics[]


A good start for all scenarios.

In all scenarios except HAT (Hacking Alien Tech) the player will have only 3 Citizens and a Landed Exploration Ship. Players in HAT will have 2 Landed Exploration Ships, 1 Woodcutting Center, 1 Stone Mine, 1 Indoor Farm, and 4 Basic Houses. This will give the player a better start off than the other two.

First, build a Woodcutting Center and a Stone Mine. This will help giving steady materials for the start of the game, so you don't have to worry about your forests and stone running out. Be sure to balance priority.

When Citizens slowly start coming, build two more things: A House (Basic) and an Indoor Farm. This will keep the food coming and have people slowly come to live in your town.


Build several more Basic Houses and Indoor farms and raise the priority of it to have more food. Note that only Basic Houses are recommended only for this period. Next, the player should build an Exploration Center, because every middle island should have at least one Alien Ruins, so Exploration Centers can explore ruins. There is also a bonus that when Exploration Center workers have found all possible-reach, they can generate knowledge. this is useful, as Labs are only able to be introduced a bit later in the game.

Other than this, the player should also build a school, a Pub, and a Park to increase happiness.

Early game middle

The same base, but with more Houses and Indoor Farms, another Woodcutting Center, two Exploration Centers, a Pub and a Garden. Note that the school has not yet been built.

Machine Part Factories are not recommended at this stage, but may be useful later

Now that your Citizens are okay now, it is time to add some more.
