The Blossom Hippies Center shows up as a locked building when you have built 2 teleporters and have at least 750 citizens. It becomes unlocked when you have built a stack of Botanical Gardens at least 20 buildings high.
The Blossom Hippies Center costs 5000 , 5000
, and 50
. You also need 5000
as research cost.
1. Open the Flower Buds: Make sure all 6 jobs are filled.
2. Flower Link: Build at least two teleporters each surrounded by Botanical Gardens
3. Flowery Dining: Build three Blossom Restaurants.
4. Actual Nature: Have at least one protected forest. (You can skip this task and bribe the hippies with food)
5. Together in Harmony: Build twenty Community Houses.
6. Organicize: Build thirty Eco Farms.
7. Don't Waste: Build nine Farm By-Product Processors.
8. Peaceful Society: Research Societal Living in the Living Research Center
9. Make the City Sing: Build the Festival HQ.
After you complete all tasks, the message is Peace Out.