The Final Earth 2 Wiki
Blossom Hippies Center

The Blossom Hippies Center shows up as a locked building when you have built 2 teleporters and have at least 750 citizens. It becomes unlocked when you have built a stack of Botanical Gardens at least 20 buildings high.

The Blossom Hippies Center costs 5000 FoodEmoji, 5000 WoodEmoji, and 50 RefinedMetalsEmoji. You also need 5000 KnowledgeEmoji as research cost.


1. Open the Flower Buds: Make sure all 6 jobs are filled.

2. Flower Link: Build at least two teleporters each surrounded by Botanical Gardens

3. Flowery Dining: Build three Blossom Restaurants.

4. Actual Nature: Have at least one protected forest. (You can skip this task and bribe the hippies with food)

5. Together in Harmony: Build twenty Community Houses.

6. Organicize: Build thirty Eco Farms.

7. Don't Waste: Build nine Farm By-Product Processors.

8. Peaceful Society: Research Societal Living in the Living Research Center

9. Make the City Sing: Build the Festival HQ.

After you complete all tasks, the message is Peace Out.
